Saturday, September 12, 2009



Received from the former chairman of Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya Representative Mr. Etje Juardi Sumedang he received from the person concerned, Kiai Sakti.

Dad told Etje Juardi, there are scholars who recognized magic indiscriminately mandraguna duel, named Kiai jured. He was known to fame and to Ulamaannya Abah Anom, who has millions of followers and growing up out of the country.

One day Kiai has plans to test the karomah Abah Anom, the magical power he had.

Kiai it comes to boarding school with a bus Suryalaya carrying 70 santri. All boarding students spread around Suryalaya, after Kiai was entered into the page Abah Anom, Abah Anom unexpected was the madrasah front and told to go to Kiai Abah Anom madrassas with 70 santri has spread. Kiai is felt shocked to kasyaf (inner sight) of his Murshid TQN. Abah Anom asked Kiai and the santri to eat before he has provided in the madrasa.

In the madrasa Kiai Abah Anom praise of pesantren He is a very beautiful area, but subtly spiced with criticism about the lack of absence pesantrenya birds of paradise, a bird famous for its beautiful fur. He just smiled and responded with short answers: "Of course Kiai". A beyond reason after that answer feathered birds of paradise are beautiful floating in the madrassas that occasionally landed. The incident would make karomah enthralled he owned, Kiai was silent.

Miracle again, when dining with a 70 santri any of the prepared rice in a small basket was never finished, it was a reminder of the event miracles Muhammad PBUH. Kiai was very impressed with karomah owned and felt he had magic power and pride that had no meaning before Thoriqoh Qodiriyyah Murshid Naqsyabandiyyah wan Shohibul Sheikh Ahmad Wafa Tajul 'Arifin or better known as Abah Anom.

It is true the phrase: "there is the sky above the sky". However, Kiai was still curious and did not want to lose like that, after eating these Kiai asked to lift kopeah He / caps that have been "filled", which previously attempted by the santri not raised at all. Subhanallah .. only by clapping hands to the floor Abah Anom's kopeah floating, Kiai was embarrassed and lost again.

Kiai is the next stone that had been issued previously provided, and the rock hit with "force" her own hands so that the split into two, while belahannya given to Abah Anom. Kiai was asked to Abah Anom to hit him as it has been exemplified.

Abah Anom told that kiai: "Abah can not anything, that could split that is God, let abah only ask God that was allowed to reply," The next stone Murshid rubbed by hand and stone into the water, Subhan Allah ...

But these kiai still curious because his power can not be beat karomah as Abah Anom Thoriqoh Qodiriyyah Murshid Naqsyabandiyyah wan. Kiai trying to test again with the coconut karomah He has taken students from the region. Kiai is asking weird to Abah Anom to fill in the no fish oil that has certain qualities and shapes.

With tawadlunya Abah Anom replied: "Mashallah, why the request to Abah excessive kiai?, Abah can not anything. Should ask for God alone, not to Abah. Only God who can make all things because He is Willing and Reign ". Kiai was still curious about permohonanya to Abah Anom, the next Abah Anom said: "All right then, we plead with God. May Allah grant us ". After he had prayed for the coconut halved, and by Allah's leave it there in the fish oil in accordance with the request the kiai. Subhanalllah ...

Furthermore, either where the arrival at the hands of Abah Anom existing slingshot, and slingshot it directed the sky-the sky madrassa, was beyond the reach of reason, comes from the ceiling of a white bird that had fallen before Kiai and He

After the incident, Kiai crying lap Abah Anom, conscious and begged forgiveness for the arrogance and mistakes. Finally Kiai Abah Anom pleaded for his disciples and was appointed to be a pengamal Thoriqat Qodiriyyah wan Naqsyabandiyyah.

Kiai was ditalqin dhikr TQN (dhikr Thoriqat Qodiriyyah taught Naqsyabandiyyah wan), with dhikr talqin it will realize the existence of God the All-Knowing would be a good evil makhluqnya khatam and has power over all things. After Kiai ditalqin Abah Anom's lap crying myself to sleep. Strangely, up from sleep was dimesjid. Subhanallah ....

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thank you...., i love u