How to prayer in lidafil balai circumcision Safar and prayer lidafil balai circumcision done every day .
1. How to prayer halls lidaf'il circumcision Wednesday Shofar at the end of the month. Isroq carried out after the prayer (about 06.00 more or 06/30) Ba'da FATIHAH, alkautsar 17 x, al-falaq 5x, Annas 1x, alikhlas 1x. 4 rokaat. 2 times greetings ... and continued with the reading of peace.
2. How to prayer lidaf'il balai circumcision is done every day Ba'da Conducted after Isha prayers. The number of prayer halls lidaf'il circumcision is the 2 rokaat. Each verse kawalerka rokaat read , Annas 1x, and alikhlas 1x.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Prayer Lidaf'il Balai
Prayer Lidaf'il Balai
1. What is the prayer lidaf'il balai?
2. Is there any hadith scholars and opinion about the prayer lidaf'il balai?
3. When and how the procedure prayer lidaf'il balai ?
1. Understanding Prayer means Prayer lidaf'il balai sunna to / prevent or refuse from various reinforcements that will happen. So it is recommended to do every day at an unspecified time / at any time.
2. prayer Lidaf'il balai hadith, hadith saheeh 39 pages in the book of the khozinatul asror Abi Ali Hasim Apostle said "ashobatkum mushibatun itha aw faaqotun fatawadhouu bikum najalat wa sholuu arbaa rakaatin wayaquulu ad-Du'a ba'dahaa Allahu bikum paraja .." Where upon you all of the calamity or reinforcements were ablution and prayer is the problem after 4 cycles and pray that God will let go of all that "
In the book fii sunanun mardhiyah Murshid amaliyah kamil .50 pages Sheikh faridudin sakarjanji that God once every year down 320,000 troops / disaster. 3. Procedures for implementation lidaf'il Prayer Hall. So in this book works sunanun mardhiyah sheikh abdul ghaust saefullah-maslul al 50 p.; Those who pray prayers Lidafil circumcision reinforcements on Wednesday sofar end of the month (to avoid the hall), performed after isroq prayer Ba'da fatihan, alkautsar 17 x, then Al-upright 5 times, Al celestial sphere, Annas 1x, and alikhlas 1x. 2 times 4 cycles greetings ... and continued with the reading of peace .....
In the Book of Allah revealed makanatut dzikri disasters or hall at the end of the month Safar 320,000 amount is stored in the power of God for one year. This down to earth without knowing the time, place, day and month. It could be in rajab, Mulud another month of Sha'ban and so on.
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