Saturday, September 12, 2009

Law fasted for travelers, the sick, the elderly, pregnant and lactating (hukum shoum)

Law fasted for travelers, the sick, the elderly, pregnant and lactating


Where a Muslim again in the way it is permissible to pray with the requirements diqashar trip is 84 miles. And also allowed by the Shari'a break where he fasted, but he should be on the other mengqadlanya time (in other months of Ramadhan). God has said (Al-Baqarah: 183): "Whoever among you sick, or else it may break diperjalanan and replaced with the number of days left behind-Day another day. But if a longer diperjalanan (travelers) were fasted and the way it did not incriminate him so fast it better daipada break. On the other hand if the trip was against the break better. However, we must menqadlonya.


Where a Muslim stricken ill in the month of Ramadhan but the pain was not heavy then go on fasting. On the other hand when a Muslim was hurt and the pain was so burdensome puasalah break but he must menqqadlonya not later Ramadhan month. And when the pain would not be able to recover again then he is required to pay a mud fidyah or ¾ liters of food each day to the poor.


Where a Muslim or has reached musliamat elderly. And he could no longer fast. So instead of every day one fidyah mud or ¾ liters of food. Ibn Abbas r.a. said of the Apostle Saw.: Allowed for those elderly who have given food each day to the poor and there is no obligation for him qadlo. (HRDaruqathni and al-Hakim)


If a Muslim was pregnant and feared for herself and on her unborn then it is not fast. And where it has been wrong from the need to udzurnya top mengqadlonya days left. And when he was a wealthy and the Sadaqah or fidyah every day he left behind, and this is more perfect for Muslim women and greater reward.

This also goes for those who are breast-feeding because of fear for his or her child. And not find someone who can breastfeed her child than herself.


    1. Whoever is negligent in mengqadlo without udzur Ramadan Ramadan so that in the other, giving fidyah wajiblah each day he left with faqir satisfy the poor.
    2. Whoever a Muslim dies and must be fast qadla him. So who replaces walinyalah for mengqadlonya. Rasul SAW. He said: He who dies and must be fast qadlo him walinyalah the mengqadlonya then. (HRMutafaqun alaih). Someone asked the Prophet SAW.: Actually my mother had died and obligatory upon the fasting month. Am I able to fulfill? Apostle Saw.: Yes, it is God who is more debt right dilunasinya. (HRMutafaqun alaih)

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