Do not you marry a man
1. Bold prayer. O) less daring prayer that had betrayed trust God and His Messenger. Apostle Saw. "If people come to you like religion ... ...". When prayer is the pillar of religion.
2. Go in a big sin (drunkenness, adultery and so forth. Because living with this kind of life full of contradictions and a lot of problems like living in hell)
3. Dayyuts (men who do not have a sense of jealousy for his wife). And he released to shake hands with other men, talking, and laughing with other people.
4. Children manja.Dimana man like this will not be able to take decisions in the various problems it faces, he was not independent and he was always dependent on their parents.
5. Much older. Ie husband wife 20 yrs 60 yrs. This also will reduce domestic harmony for a wife who was 20 yrs libido desire biloginya needs more developed (high). While the husband is 60 yrs old libido has somewhat dropped.
6. Arrogant and snob. For people who have this mentality more interested in himself. His love for his wife was not feeling the love more than to himself.
7. Workaholic. Workaholic husband who will be a little perhatiaanya the family.
8. Rebellion to his parents. For disobedience to parents will get the wrath of God and in the household will not always be blessed by God. Because of lack obedience to parents, so will a lot of problems arise.
9. Kebanci-bancian (sissy). This will make the problem because the lack of leadership in the marriage-stairs. Assertiveness, decision that will result will not be maximal.
10. Miserly. Parsimony is a disease difficult to cure. Stingy person would be far from the communities around and despised.
Do not you marry this woman
1. Pembangkan. Pembangkan wife would be against the husband and would not hear what he said.
2. Manliness. Nature wife manhood will be felt most strongly and felt he was right, rough, hard. do not want to lose. This will be a problem in their household. Because the wife should be feminine, soft and smooth.
3. Grumpy. Angry wife so hard to put down his emotions arise insults insults, out dirty words, slapping his own cheeks, tearing his shirt.
4. No religion. People who are not religious would not know where the good things and bad things. Finally prohibited by religion iakan will ditabraknya.
5. Having premarital relationships.
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thank you...., i love u