Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Market wholesale goods offered are retail stores in the neighborhood grocery radius 10-20 mile distance so far. Small wholesalers have preferred to move in society with a stable income, the industries that produce a variety of goods, close to many retail stores, and less competition. There is also an issue faced by the wholesalers to choose a place in crowded locations. The problem is the difficulty of placing goods god, if you do not have their own warehouse. If a warehouse it will be expensive to rent, and other problems is the traffic lane and often arises also the problem of congestion and parking.

Therefore, new symptoms develop, wholesaler wanted a location outside the city business. By demikan they have fast-track send and receive goods, can establish a larger building. For our country this kind of business should be supported by a smooth line, so the retail store may be able to order goods through telopn, do not need to come to the wholesalers. And wholesalers have regularly visited the store inventory Stores that do not have vacancies.

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thank you...., i love u